Friday 8 May 2009

Hi everyone.
Once again, a busy week and I am settling down nicely into a life of permanent promotion and probing for sponsors. One baptism of fire which happened this week was the quest to get my website a bit more publicised on the intranet, and once I got over the initial bombardment of suggestions for URL submissions, tags, meta thingies, page rankings and oh so much more, it seems to be slowly working and I am getting more and more hits on the website.

At a glance, what is new this week.
The car campaign is well under way and we hope to have a press launch soon, possibly as soon as next week.
Another great online forum, have kindly agreed to help us promote the exhibition on the run up to September, thanks a lot.
THE MURAL. I am going to turn the gable end of my house into a mural, hopefully by the middle of June which will serve as advertising, and the second press event. You will see the design here first.
Prints. The prints are selling like hot cakes, and I have opened up the list to include those images on the “new art” part of my website.
We are getting steady contributions and donations to the raffle, including an amazing single 100€ donation, thanks everyone. I worked out that to cover framing and material costs alone it will cost just under 3000 euros, ouch. I am hopeful for a sponsor, but have to keep the possibility in mind that we might not get one and I don’t want the show looking unprofessional. Please help by spreading word about the show as widely as you can, thanks a lot.
And that’s about it,

Quite a short one this week, but more news as and when it happens coming soon.

Cheers for now, spread the word, and if you have a website, please add my site to it (reciprocally of course)

Evolvingly yours

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