Wednesday, 13 May 2009

wine, wine and turpentine

It's that old problem, trying to do two or more things at once. I like to enjoy a glass of wine or two when I'm painting, I find it adds to the overall relaxing experience. I can often be found listening to music, glass of wine in hand, looking at my sketchbook and painting with one or either hand simultaneously. Who says men cant multitask.

A problem I do have though is wine glasses. Have you ever tried to clean and polish an oil paint smeared glass. I have tried using plastic cups which just make the wine taste horrible, and tend not to survive turpentine attack for very long as my fingers tend to dissolve through the side wall. I have tried drinking out the bottle, but it just doesnt look, or taste good and there is still the problem of a paint smeared bottle.

The solution, rubber gloves. Stretch a latex glove over the glass and fix it at the base with tape, then trim the top off, leaving a wee notch for your bottom lip otherwise the wine will just taste of latex, hey ho, it works. No more dirty glasses.

Now food is another matter yet to be solved. Mrs B recently brought me some baked camembert to eat. The first thing I did was forget I had a paintbrush in both hands and painted the crispy blighters blue. Fortunately it was a non toxic pigment, and they tasted fine, allbeit rather turpentiney. Maybe it is time to change to linseed oil.

Back to the canvas

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