Sunday, 10 May 2009

Update 6, The Art of Evolution

Another week, they seem to be flying by so quickly, blink and you’ll miss it.
Things are progressing reasonably smoothly, although I am finding it a bit hard to find sponsors for wine and catering, but will keep trying. It could be, that we will get a big boost soon with a well known sponsor, but I cant say more at the moment.

It looks like the attention is staying on the show, and hope that I can maintain it until September, I need to get as many people as possible through the doors and interested and it looks like all the investment in time, money and effort might pay off.

Before I go any further.

On my website, I have 10 of my paintings available as limited edition prints. Each print is numbered and signed and is printed on high quality, fade resistant paper.

And on to the evolutionary highlights of the week.

  • The flyers were delivered and look great, I have already started distributing them, if anyone would like to help, please let me know and I’ll send you a batch.
  • In its infancy, is the idea of running a subsidised bus service from Munich to Landsberg on a few evenings of the week. It works out cheaper than the train, but has to be booked in advance. Lets see how it works out.
  • Posters are designed, and the first press launch should take place next weekend here at the gallery in lengenfeld.
  • The exhibition list is finished. The list of paintings, pastels and drawings for the exhibition is finished, as is one of the signature paintings. I need to have anything oil finished by the end of June to ensure enough drying time.
  • Started work on the exhibition brochure, an 18-20 page full colour booklet to accompany the show.

    Other news from the exhibition world this week, I will be attending the Greenfarm festival. in June this year with a stall selling my Scottish themed pastels etc. It’s a great day out if you can make it.

    In August of this year, I will be exhibiting in Dumfries, Scotland from the 8th August until the 16th September as one of 6 artists at the “ties that bind” homecoming exhibition in my home town. If anyone is in the area at the time, let me know and I’ll send you invites to the opening night.

    Thanks this week to all my supporters and to the memory of Julia Hember(see post below)
    That’s about it for this week, please help me keep the momentum by spreading the word, or adding my link to your website and emails.

    Evolvingly yours.

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